Damage Control - What To Do If You Blow Your Diet And 3 Tips To Recover
The topic today is damage control! What do you do when you totally go off the rails from your healthy nutrition and eating plan?
It happens to everybody, myself included. And it can be discouraging. I'm going to give you three tips to help you get back on track fast.
Tip #1 - Don't quit
It's really easy to use a misstep as an excuse to just say, "Oh, well, I've blown today. Might as well go get ice cream."
Don't let yourself do that. Don't use a misstep as an excuse to continue in the wrong direction. Get back on track right away.
Tip #2 - Analyze what went wrong
Why did you overeat? Remember last week we talked about some of our food triggers, with activities that we might be able to replace them with.
It's important to reconnect to your "why." Remind yourself why you want to eat healthy, why it's so important for you and your baby. If you've already had a baby, or if you're not pregnant, think about why it's so important to be mindful of what you're eating.
It's not very satisfying to have eaten something and have a lot of regrets. Be intentional about what you're eating so that you have no regrets.
Tip #3 - Don't punish yourself
Tip number three is don't make the mistake of punishing yourself for what you have overeaten.
Don't think, "Oh, well tomorrow I'll cut back 500 calories." That never works and you'll never catch up. Just pick up where you left off.
Following a healthy diet is hard sometimes, but you've got this. Stay tuned because I've got a course coming out on conquering diabetes in pregnancy.
The course will be useful if you're struggling with diabetes at any point in your life. I've also got great diabetes-friendly holiday recipes coming up! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram for more fun, behind the scenes details.
Let me know in the comments below what your biggest struggles are when it comes to food, diets, and healthy eating!