Diabetes Is All In Your Head

Putting together a course on gestational diabetes, which has been my obsession for the past few months has really got me thinking about the message I want to send to you. Being successful in managing diabetes in pregnancy is really a head game.

What do I mean by that?

Successfully managing diabetes has a lot to do with your attitude toward it. What you believe about diabetes and about yourself really determines how successful you're going to be. And more importantly, how you feel during this whole process.

There's a difference between feeling like diabetes is some punishment that's been visited upon you, something that's unfair, or some big lame party pooper for your whole pregnancy versus feeling as though diabetes is an opportunity. Try looking at gestational diabetes as your body’s way of getting your attention.

Your body is saying "I'm having some trouble processing these carbohydrates. Take a look at how you're feeding me."

Here’s what I know about you: you would have compassion for anybody that you loved who might be going through a similar process.

So why can't you allow yourself the same grace that you would show to anybody that you care about?

I encourage you to love yourself a little, give yourself some compassion, give your body what it's asking for and what you need during this really important time. I hope you're interested in the course, but regardless of whether or not you have diabetes in pregnancy, everybody has some struggles.

And what I want to tell you in no uncertain terms is that you ARE worth it…no matter what you’re facing right now. Your body is always telling you what it needs and what it's not doing so well with. So pay attention.

Diabetes can be one of the biggest wake up calls or calls to action that you will ever experience, I know it was for me. Good luck with this.

Meanwhile, there's a lot happening behind the scenes.

Stay tuned for all those new changes. In the meantime, you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram to say up to date!

Got any questions about your gestational diabetes? Want to know more about the upcoming course?

Leave your questions and comments below and I will be sure to get back to you!

And don't forget to grab your free printable PDF diet guide chart that helps you easily decide which diets are best for weight loss and gestational diabetes. You can get your copy by entering your email below and I'll send it right over to you.


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