How To Treat Type 1 Diabetes In Pregnancy | A Patient's Story
We've been talking about how to treat Type 1 diabetes in pregnancy by sharing a case study, "Sarah," an amalgamation of many Type 1 diabetes patients.
Today we're going to talk more about Sarah. We have worked closely with her to help get her blood glucoses stable. We will pick up where we left off so you can see how her test results from the first trimester have affected her now that she's at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
If you have Type 1 diabetes and you're looking for answers about what to expect at the doctor's office or how to get your blood sugars under control, then you need to watch this week's episode. It is a special one because, at the end, I'm giving you a sneak peek into my online course, Conquering Diabetes in Pregnancy.
Would you like to work with me to conquer your gestational diabetes?
This is a 4-week course that will help you manage your diabetes in pregnancy whether you have Type 1, Type 2, or gestational diabetes. If you have questions about how to manage your diabetes in pregnancy, check it out!
Registration will be opening next week for a limited period of time only. The first few people to sign up are going to get all of this information at a greatly reduced price, because this is version 1.0.
What to expect from the course.
As a high-risk OB specialist, I see diabetic patients every single day. When you get have diabetes in pregnancy, you may find medical advice confusing. There doesn't seem to be any agreement about how to eat for diabetes. Some diets have more or less calories, higher or lower fat, more or less carbohydrates. This course will put it all together and give you the training you need to be confident preparing meals for yourself and your family.
The course is tailored to your tastes and interests so that you don't have to eat foods you don't like.
The transformation you will see from Conquering Diabetes in Pregnancy starts on Day 1. So you don't have to wait till Day 30 to see some big reveal.
Preparation Day is the first day. We will talk about how to evaluate your pantry, what you need to stock it with, how to grocery shop, and how to plan your meals. Weeks one, two, three, and four are going to build on the previous weeks.
Progress, not perfection.
You're going to learn some great habits. You're going to fail from time to time, then figure out which foods work for you.
And you're going to discover some foods that you might need to reduce or avoid because they're just not working for you. The last day, Day 30, is your launch day. By that day, you will know how to shop for groceries, how to prepare a week's worth of meals with no problems, how to eat out at restaurants, and how to go forward and manage your diabetes.
Why this is life or death.
Diabetes in pregnancy is a strong predictor of future diabetes. About 60 to 70% of women who have diabetes in pregnancy will stay diabetic or become diabetic within a few years.
Not only are there serious risks for your baby, but having diabetes can be a life-limiting disease if you don't have the tools to manage it. The good news is that you've got some control over this.
If you learn good habits - how to eat well, how to move your body, you can affect those risks in a profound way.
Who is this course for? Who is it not for?
Conquering Diabetes in Pregnancy is for anyone struggling with diabetes. Whether you are planning to become pregnant, are pregnant, or are recently delivered, you can join.
This course is not for tire-kickers - it's for people serious about their health. It's going to be fun, but you have to be serious and you can't plan to cheat.
You also can't be too hard on yourself. There are going to be inevitable failures. Even if you're eating the right foods, sometimes things are not going to work for you. It can be really frustrating to see a high glucose reading when you did everything right. We're going to learn how to troubleshoot. You'll make improvements and you're going to be really proud of yourself when it's all over!
In conclusion
If you are interested in joining the course, sign up below so that when we open the cart you'll be the first to know!
Stay tuned for part three next week when Sarah has her baby. I hope you're enjoying Sarah's story. There's more to come in. So stay tuned!