3 Ridiculously Simple Self-Care Ideas For When You're Frazzled

Life can be exhausting, my friend. Getting everything done during a short window of time, never feeling like you're doing enough for others or yourself.

How do you get through the times when you don’t have the energy to push through the day?

What you need is a little self-care. Now more than ever, because it isn’t just you that self-care effects. It influences your spouse, kids, pets, household, and co-workers.

And believe it or not, self-care will actually make getting things done easier and make you feel less stressed about life when things just can't get done.

Self-care helps take the edge off when you feel like you're always rushing through your day.

As a Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist, I see pregnant women all day every day and personally as a woman know what women are going through each and every day.

I myself am a mom of four and know first-hand what it’s like when I make time for myself and what it’s like when I don’t.

If you're feeling pulled in too many different directions then I've got 3 ridiculously simple self-care ideas that you can do today that will instantly make you feel better.

ONE - Don’t answer all phone calls.

Create a simple voice message, something like: “Sorry I missed your call. I would appreciate it if you left an encouraging voicemail for me! Talk to you soon.”

TWO - Say ‘no’ to some requests.

If you are a habitual people-pleaser, now is the time to get over it. You are the person you need to please. Can you work late this Thursday? “I already have plans.” Can you bake a dozen cookies for the bake sale? “Sorry, not this week.” (Or buy some at the bakery – see shortcuts below.)

THREE - Say yes to some requests.

Your friends and family see that you are overwhelmed. They want to help you. Let them. If your friend wants to bring you dinner, or watch your kids while you take a nap, just say yes. Keep a list of simple helpful tasks you need doing, so the next time someone says, “Can I do anything for you?” you are prepared.

These ideas are pulled straight from my free guide on self-care. So if you love these and want to get all 10 simple self-care ideas, then be sure to grab my free guide right now.

Plus, in this guide, you will find two very simple and nutritious recipes to comfort and sustain you.

And finally, in the back of this guide, you can journal and make your very own Self-Care Menu that you can print and hang on your fridge. Whenever you’re feeling depleted, just turn to the list and pick one thing to do that feeds your body, mind, or soul.

Let’s start taking better care of ourselves because we deserve it and because it will actually make life feel less stressful and chaotic!

Let me know in the comments below what you like to do for self-care, or what your biggest struggle is when it comes to putting yourself first?


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